Set New Year Destinations (instead of resolutions)
Ryder Carroll suggests that goals should be lighthouses, not rules. Instead of the usual New Year's resolutions, this year set your goals as destinations… as “lighthouses” in the distance. Write them down and revisit them often (every journey needs a map).
“When goals are lighthouses, success is defined by simply showing up, by daily progress no matter how big or small…” Ryder Carroll
At least once a day think about how to move in the direction of your goal(s). If you veer off course, that’s part of the journey…. look up, find your lighthouse, and correct your course.
Potential New Year “Lighthouse” goals
Learn more about compassion and practice it
Be a better friend
Write genuine thank you notes to people who have helped you
Become stronger, faster, more fit
Eat real food for as many meals a week as possible
Find out more about who you are through meditation
Keep a “stop doing” list
Be better at your work through deliberate practice (practicing and learning the things you don’t like and aren’t good at)
Read things that bring you joy
Keep a journal, even if it's just 3 things you are grateful for every day
Learn the names of as many people at work as you can
Take the stairs as often as you can
Make your living spaces enjoyable spaces
Get good sleep as often as possible
Learn Spanish (or any new language)
Be on time
Remember people’s birthdays and send a card
Start the day with intention